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Local Public Agency Program Consultant Information

If consultant services are to be funded with federal aid, the LPA must follow INDOT’s consultant selection processes. This page contains the necessary links and templates to complete the selection process.

To receive information regarding INDOT RFPs, sign up for LPA RFP Email Notifications.

LPA Consultant Selection Toolkit

This document is a toolkit for Local Public Agencies (LPA) to use to understand the Request for Proposals (RFP) process. Most of the processes are the same between the LPA Consultant Selection for Standard LPA projects and Countywide Bridge Inspections. Where the processes or contact persons are different, it will be noted.

DBE Goal Request Form & DBE Goal Met E-mail

Request the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal from INDOT’s Equal Opportunity Division (EOD). Once you click inside the DBE Goal Request Form, you will be guided through obtaining the DBE Goal / DBE Goal Met.

Requests for Proposal

Create and advertise a Request for Proposals (RFP) on INDOT's Web Site.

The LPA can advertise one RFP for the Preliminary Engineering (PE), Right-of-Way (R/W) Engineering, R/W Services or R/W Acquisition phases.

Federal Highway requires that the Construction Inspection phase be advertised separate from any other phase. This means INDOT cannot accept an RFP for all phases. The Construction Inspection Phase must be advertised separately.

LPA Consultant Selection Rating Sheet

Rating the consultant on several categories with scoring criteria is completed on the LPA Consultant Selection Rating Sheet that was included in the advertised RFP.

LPA Consultant Selection Scoring Tabulation Sheet

Scoring must be calculated and submitted on the version of the LPA Consultant Selection Scoring Tabulation Sheet that was included in the advertised RFP.

LPA Selection Review Checklist

The ERC will submit this checklist with all required documentation to INDOT to obtain INDOT’s review of the consultant and scoring.

LPA Consultant Contracts

LPA Consultant Contract Review Checklist

The ERC will submit this checklist with all required documentation to INDOT to obtain INDOT’s review of the consultant contract.

Forms & Tools

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