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Navigating Greater Lafayette is easy with the MyCityBus app!

Using the MyCityBus app, you can access transit schedules and real-time GPS-based bus location information, track your bus on a map, and receive transit news and route-specific alerts.

Search for “MyCityBus” in your smartphone’s app store or download below. If you don’t have a smartphone, you can plan a trip on our website here.

iOS Download

Google Play Download

Using the app is easy and will get you where you need to go!

We've created a couple of resources for you that explain how to use the MyCityBus mobile app. Scroll down for text and picture tutorial, or select "Watch Tutorial" for a quick video summary.

1. Open the app.

Open the app, click on the blue-lined menu in the upper left corner, and click "Plan a Trip."

2. Enter your starting location.

Click in the "Departing From" box and either select "My Location"—if you're in the location you are departing from—or begin to type to find the location you'll be leaving from.

3. Enter your arrival destination.

Click in the "Going To" box to enter the location where you'd like to arrive.

4. Select your departure or arrival time.

Select either "Leave By" or "Arrive By" (the app will list information based on your selection), the day you wish to travel, and the time.

5. Click the option that best suits your travel needs.

When your option appears, you may have several departure or arrival times to choose from, including walking. Simply select the one that best fits your travel needs.

6. Scroll down and review the detailed information.

Simply scroll down to see a map, bus stop information, directions, bus route, duration of travel, and more.

That's it! It's easy to plan a trip with MyCityBus!

Still have questions? Simply contact us, and we'll be happy to help.