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Boards and Commissions

Boards and Commissions

About the Boards and Commissions

Several boards and commissions are affiliated with IDHS. They are established by the Indiana legislature and operate independently under its authority. Their members are appointed by the Indiana governor, and IDHS staff members are designated to support their administrative needs.

Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission

The Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission (Commission) is a 12-member commission established in Indiana Code 22-12-2 that meets monthly to conduct its business. In general, the commission is tasked with: (1) creating a statewide code of fire safety laws and building laws; (2) reviewing variance requests to codes it has adopted; (3) reviewing petitions or proposals to modify its building and fire safety laws; and (4) reviewing orders enforcing fire and building safety laws.

  • Craig Burgess
    • Architect licensed under IC 25-4
  • Logan Cook
    • Professional engineer licensed under IC 25-31
  • John Crisp
    • Real estate broker licensed under IC 25-34.1
  • Todd Hite
    • Secretary of Health or designee
  • James Murua (chairman)
    • Fire official
  • Buckie Olaleye
    • Secretary of Labor or designee
  • Michael Patarino
    • Member of Indiana Apartment Association with experience in construction of multifamily housing
  • Michael Popich
    • Member of Indiana Association of Building Officials
  • David Porter
    • Member of Associated Builders and Contractors of Indiana/Kentucky with experience in construction of commercial developments
  • Lane Slaughter
    • Remodeler with experience in residential or commercial remodeling
  • Kenneth Wagner
    • Contractor with experience building low-income single family or low-income multifamily housing
  • Michael Zehner
    • Member of Indiana Builder's Association with experience in the construction of single family housing
HEA 1575 Update - Ordinances and Code Change Proposals

In 2023, the Indiana General Assembly enacted HEA 1575 which significantly changed the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission and programs it administers. The information contained here provides an overview of the impacts of this legislation on building and fire safety ordinances and represents the position of IDHS that, in general, provisions of ordinances that establish substantive building and fire safety laws, outside of mere incorporation of the rules of the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission, are unenforceable and may not be adopted. However, HEA 1575 did not eliminate the authority of local jurisdictions to adopt and enforce administrative provisions in building and fire safety ordinances, which include, among other things: (1) the establishment of departments; (2) the requirement to obtain a building permit or plan review; (3) the creation of inspection schedules; (4) the establishment of fines; or (5) the creation of an order review process. Additionally, this legislation did not remove the requirement for local jurisdictions to require compliance with the rules of the Commission.

In effect, this legislation has created a framework where the substantive building and fire safety laws that are enforced throughout Indiana are the unamended rules of the Commission. The Commission no longer reviews or approves ordinances, and any modification of the standards set by the Commission (e.g., new, more detailed, or heightened requirements) may only be completed through Commission rulemaking. In place of the repealed ordinance review program, Indiana Code 22-12-2.5-5 and 22-13-2-5.6 now establish processes by which local jurisdictions may petition the Commission to modify its rules.

Please be aware, the statements made here solely represent the position of IDHS on this issue and are not binding. All initial determinations concerning whether specific ordinance provisions remain enforceable are left to the local unit of government administering the ordinance. It is strongly encouraged that impacted parties consult independent legal counsel to determine how this legislation impacts them.

Past Subcommittees (Inactive)

Variance applicants, submitters and other stakeholders with essential business before the Commission may be afforded the opportunity to participate in meetings and address the Commission. However, direct participation in the Commission's meetings is not mandatory, and testimony is afforded at the discretion of the Commission's chair.

If your variance application has been "tabled" by the Commission or if you have received notice that IDHS has "referred" your variance application to the Commission for determination, please contact staff at with any questions or concerns. Questions or concerns regarding any other business before the Commission should be directed to

Meeting materials

Submit code comments

View previously submitted code comments and proposals.


EMS Commission

The Indiana Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Commission is a 14-member commission established in Indiana Code 16-31-2 that meets bimonthly to conduct its business. The commission is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of an effective system of emergency medical services. This includes the necessary equipment, personnel and facilities to ensure that all emergency patients receive prompt and adequate medical care throughout the range of emergency conditions encountered. The commission works to meet this mandate through the development of administrative codes and rules regulating Indiana's EMS system as well as the provision of consultative services; promotion of training for emergency medical personnel; education of the public in first aid techniques; and coordination of emergency communications resources. The EMS Commission is also responsible for the regulation, inspection and certification of services, facilities and personnel engaged in the provision of emergency medical services.


Meeting materials

Rulemaking Dockets

By law, all requests for waiver of EMS rules are considered by IDHS initially subject to appeal to the EMS Commission for review. Waiver requests may be sent to

Final Rules

All final rules become part of the Indiana Administrative Code and are accessible from the IAC Title 836 webpage.

Non-Rule Policies, Interpretations

The following are non-rule policies and policy interpretations by the EMS Commission.

Board of Firefighting Personnel Standards and Education

The Board of Firefighting Personnel Standards and Education (BFPSE) has the responsibility for establishing the rules and regulations for voluntary training for fire service and, for some specialized training, non-fire service personnel in Indiana, including setting criteria for certification of firefighters at different levels of education within the state. The board operates under the authority of Indiana Code 22-14-2-7. The board has taken a very proactive approach to fire service training and has placed Indiana in the forefront of certifications offered.

All variance requests or issues for the board must be emailed to for it to go on the agenda. The agenda will close 15 days prior to the board meeting. Anything received after that time will go to the following board meeting.


*Board currently has two vacancies.


Meeting materials


Indiana Emergency Response Commission

The Indiana Emergency Response Commission (IERC) was established pursuant to Indiana and federal law to implement the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA) (also referred to as Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA)).The IERC's duties include: establishing procedures for receiving and processing public requests for information collected under EPCRA, reviewing local emergency response plans, designating local emergency planning districts, appointing a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) for each district and supervising the activities of the LEPCs. The IERC operates under the authority of Indiana Code 13-25-1 and 13-25-2. It consists of 13 members: four state agency representatives and nine governor appointees who represent local government, the public and business and industry. The commission meets bimonthly. Submit a support request

Last updated: 11/4/24.
  • Stephanie McKinney
    • Local government
  • Indiana Department of Environmental Management Commissioner or designee
  • Indiana State Police Commissioner or designee
  • Vacant
    • Business/industry
  • Vacant
    • Business/industry
  • Vacant
    • Public

*Commission currently has three vacancies.

  • Communications Committee
  • Fiscal Committee
  • Policy/Technical Committee
  • Training Committee

Meeting materials

View previously submitted support requests.


Indiana Secured School Safety Board

The Indiana Secured School Safety Board was established to approve or disapprove applications for matching grants through the Secured School Safety Grant Program. Per Indiana Code 10-21-1-3, the board shall establish criteria to be used in evaluating applications for matching grants from the fund. These criteria must be consistent with the fund's goals and provide for an equitable distribution of grants to school corporations and charter schools located throughout Indiana. The board meets on an as-needed basis, with a minimum of two meetings per year.

  • Stephen Balko
    • Secretary of Education or designee
  • Eric Bowlen
    • Employee of a local school corporation or charter school
  • Jennifer-Ruth Green (chairperson)
    • Executive director of the Indiana Department of Homeland Security or designee
  • Jordan Hoffman
    • Attorney General or designee
  • Douglas Huntsinger
    • Director of Indiana Criminal Justice Institute or designee
  • Anthony Scott
    • Superintendent of Indiana State Police or designee
  • Vacant
    • Local law enforcement officer

*Board currently has one vacancy.


Meeting materials


Senior Advisory Committee

IDHS established the Senior Advisory Committee (SAC) as an advisory council to the administration of the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) federal grant. IDHS is tasked with administering these federal funds, and the SAC supports a whole-community approach to emergency preparedness and management in Indiana. The SHSP fund is designed to enhance the core capabilities of Indiana to achieve the National Preparedness Goal established by FEMA. The SAC ensures IDHS administers the funds to address core capabilities while providing oversight and direction through the grant review, scoring, and award process for SHSP. The SAC is chaired by the executive director of IDHS, and it is composed of local government representatives, public safety officers and a host of other relevant disciplines impacted by Indiana's preparedness and planning initiatives.

  • Brian Baird
    • Counties, cities and towns
  • Tracy Barnes
    • State Chief Information Officer
  • Andrea Baughn
    • Statewide Interoperability Coordinator
  • Bernie Beier
    • Emergency management
  • Matt Bilkey
    • Law enforcement
  • Steven Cain
    • Educational institutions
  • John Elcesser
    • Educational institutions
  • Joshua Gisi
    • Urban Area Working Group
  • Phil Johnson
    • Educational institutions
  • Joshua Kiilu
  • Joel Thacker
    • Fire service
  • Jonathan Whitham (chairman)
    • State Homeland Security advisor
  • Dr. Eric Yazel
    • Emergency medical services
  • Jack Zeeks
    • Nonprofit, faith-based, volunteer organizations

Meeting materials


Homeland Security Foundation

The Homeland Security Foundation was dissolved in 2023 by the Indiana General Assembly (House Enrolled Act 1001). For historical information about the foundation, including meeting minutes, please submit a public records request.

Funds previously held by the foundation are now part of the Regional Public Safety Training Fund, which was established to provide regional and advanced training for public safety service providers, support development of firefighter training facilities, provide scholarships for students enrolled in post-secondary coursework in public safety and purchase equipment to enhance emergency preparedness and response capabilities of public safety agencies or EMS providers. The fund is managed by IDHS.


To obtain historical copies of the meeting minutes not provided below, please submit a public records request to IDHS.

Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission

View meeting recordings

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