About Pendleton Correctional Facility
The Pendleton Correctional Facility is a level three maximum security adult male facility located in Pendleton, Indiana. The facility also operates a minimum-security dormitory located adjacent to the main facility. The present-day Pendleton Correctional Facility can trace its origin to the banks of the Ohio River in Jeffersonville, Indiana. The first Indiana State Prison was constructed in Jeffersonville in 1821, and in 1897, was designated as the Indiana Reformatory. In 1918, fire destroyed a substantial portion of the Reformatory and in 1921 the facility was relocated to its current site. Many of the existing buildings are a product of this 1922-1923 construction. Five new housing units were completed in 1985. A new infirmary was completed in September 1988, and cell house renovations were completed in 2002, 2005 and 2009. In 1996, the Department of Correction was permitted to change the names of the facilities to be more representative of their geographical. As a result, the Indiana Reformatory was renamed the Pendleton Correctional Facility.