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Breaking Barriers to a Successful ReEntry

ReEntry services vary from facility to facility and are subject to change. Not all incarcerated individuals qualify or are appropriate for every program nor is every program eligible for case plan credit time, individuals should work with their assigned case manager to see which programs they are eligible for.

The Indiana Department of Correction has categorized all offered programming into one of the following categories.

  • Activity: Facility specific activities that are approved by the facility head, which do not meet the criteria of a Program or Course.
  • Course: Group or self-study approved by the Commissioner or their designee with standardized curriculum that does not qualify for a time cut/earned credit time.
  • Program: An earned credit time/time cut program of study, approved by the Commissioner or their designee, which includes any of the following criteria; Standardized Curriculum, Validated Evidence-Based Practices (EBP), Established Performance Measures.

Upon release individual are provide a portfolio containing all their certifications and important documents to start them off on their re-entry journey.

Programming Opportunities


Programs vary from facility to facility and are subject to change. Not all incarcerated individuals qualify or are appropriate for every program, individuals should work with their assigned case manager to see which programs they are eligible for.

 Top FAQs

Incarcerated Population Tablet Upgrade
The Indiana Department of Correction will soon be updating the tablets used by the incarcerated population at our facilities. Indiana State Prison will be the first to get the new tablets. The transition will begin on December 10, 2024. The remaining facilities will be upgraded after the start of the new year. To learn more visit tablets and digital correspondence located in the Communication Support Hub.