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Juvenile Facilites

Division of Youth Services oversees all aspects of juvenile care and is committed to positively impact the future of Indiana's delinquent youth.

State Map of Juvenile IDOC Facilities

For Hoosiers committed to the Indiana Department of Correction, the department oversees 21 facilities; 18 Adult [3 female and 15 male facilities] and 3 Juvenile [1 female and 2 male facilities].

Each adult facility is assigned a security level - minimum, medium, and maximum while our juvenile facilites are equipt to handle all risk levels. Every facility is staffed with skilled professionals who help ensure the health, safety and well-being of the incarcerated population.

Juvenile Male

Juvenile Female

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Incarcerated Population Tablet Upgrade
The Indiana Department of Correction will soon be updating the tablets used by the incarcerated population at our facilities. Indiana State Prison will be the first to get the new tablets. The transition will begin on December 10, 2024. The remaining facilities will be upgraded after the start of the new year. To learn more visit tablets and digital correspondence located in the Communication Support Hub.