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Total Population Summary Reports

This Monthly report becomes available on or around the 15th of each month. The requirements for this report are outlined in Indiana Code and the report itself is provided to both the Justice Reinvestment Advisory Counsel and the Budget Committee.

This report outlines charging information for both admissions and snapshot populations, by felony level. Additionally, information is provided about populations of the Department of Correction, Community Corrections, and both sentenced felons awaiting transport to DOC and Level 6 jail populations.

Total Population Summary Reports Archive

View. Archived Total Population Summary Reports

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Incarcerated Population Tablet Upgrade
The Indiana Department of Correction will soon be updating the tablets used by the incarcerated population at our facilities. Indiana State Prison will be the first to get the new tablets. The transition will begin on December 10, 2024. The remaining facilities will be upgraded after the start of the new year. To learn more visit tablets and digital correspondence located in the Communication Support Hub.