The number of visitors an incarcerated individual may receive at a visit and the length of visits may be limited by the facility’s schedule, space, and personnel constraints; or, when there are substantial reasons to justify such limitations. Each facility shall provide written information to the incarcerated individual regarding procedures governing visitation within twenty-four (24) hours after arrival at the facility.
Check out our Facilities Page to find facility specific visitation rules. Remember that scheduling on ViaPath’s platform is done in Eastern Time. So even if a facility is in an area that is Central time, all visits will observe Eastern time. If you are unsure of your time zone you may check it on the Time Zone Convertor app.
Trafficking Warning
The Department of Correction shall not tolerate trafficking with an offender or the possession of controlled substances, tobacco, electronic devices or weapons while on Department property. All offenders and visitors shall be subject to search. Refusal to be searched shall result in a denial of the visit.
In all cases where a visitor and/or an offender is found to be trafficking, the evidence shall be turned over to the Indiana State Police with a recommendation that the matter be prosecuted. In addition, any visitor caught trafficking shall be permanently banned from visiting any offender in the Department of Correction at any Department facility.
An offender found guilty in a disciplinary action may have their visiting privileges restricted, depending on the disciplinary action.
Visitation Policy Summary
Policy Statement
The Department of Correction shall encourage offender communication and contact with family and friends. The Department recognizes that the majority of incarcerated individuals will be released into the community and that reintegration will be more effective if they are able to maintain social relationships. In addition to traditional forms of visitation (contact and non-contact), alternative video visitation may be made available to help facilitate persons unable to travel to facilities.
Below you will find excerpts of our Visitation Policy, for more information on the full policy read 02-01-102 Offender Visitation on our policy page.
- Section III. Definitions
- Section VI. Visitation List
- Section XIII. Visitor Searches
- Section XIV. Identification
- Section XV. Special Visits
- Section XVI. Video Visits
- Section XVII. Restrictive Status Housing Offenders
- Section XVIII. Denial and Suspension of Visitation and Gate Closures
- Section XIX. Bodily Contact Between Offenders and Visitors
- Section XX. Supervision of the Visiting Room
- Section XXI. Restrictions on Visits with Minors
- Section XXIII. Applicability