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Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility

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New Visitor Registration Process

Step 1: Register for ViaPath

All Visitors must register for a ViaPath Account and be approved before scheduling in-person and online visits.

Register Now

Step 2: Supplemental Documentation

Failure to submit this additional documentation could cause a delay in your application or may cause your application to be rejected.

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Step 3: Schedule Visit

Already registered? Remember all visitation requests observe Eastern time. Available dates and times will be listed for that incarcerated individuals facility.

Schedule Visit

Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility Visitation


Visiting Hours*

Mon - Fri | 3:30 PM - 7:30PM
School Hours | 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM - 3:30PM (Must be pre-authorized with counselor approval)
Saturday & Sunday, State Holidays | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM - 7:30PM

All visitors must register and be approved before scheduling a visit. Visitors who have already registered for video visitation through GTL will not need to register again.

Each Visit will be for a 2-hour time limit.  Extended time visits must be pre-authorized and scheduled through the Counselor.
Parent tours of the facility are now available upon request.  They must be scheduled through the student’s counselor.

* Due to numerous security reason our facilities visiting hours and policies are subject to change. For the most current information please follow our facilities Facebook page or call the facility hotline.

Attorney Visits

Attorneys visits will not be considered as part of the offender's regular visitation schedule and these visitors need not be on the visitation list. All attorney visits are schedule by the Facility Litigation Liaison.

Availability of space, security and safety of the facility determines if a special area may be set aside for attorney-client visits. If space is available, arrangements also may be made to allow clergy or approved spiritual advisors to have a separate space, outside of the regular visiting room/area, to meet with the incarcerated individual. In both cases, such space shall be observable by staff; however, staff shall not listen to the conversations.

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Facility Resources

Community Advisory Board

Community Advisory Board meet twice per year (every six months) but may meet more often as appropriate.


  • To open avenues of communication between the facility and the communities near its operation;
  • To assemble an eclectic group of community stakeholders to observe the operations of the facility from time to time, and to advise facility administrative staff on quality of life issues, and provide diverse perspectives on the effectiveness of facility operations and programs;
  • To assist with the recruitment of a diverse and professional workforce;
  • To promote the hiring of former incarcerated individuals;
  • To help identify available community resources that could enhance the facility’s operation; and,
  • To assist with promoting community awareness and understanding of correctional issues, and facility and Department initiatives.


For more information about the variety of programs the IDOC offers, please visit the Programs page. Note: Programs vary from facility to facility and are subject to change. Not all incarcerated individuals qualify or are appropriate for every program, individuals should work with their assigned case manager to see which programs they are eligible for.

About Logansport Juvenile Facility

About Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility Treatment Unit:

The Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility Treatment Unit originally opened in October 1994 as the North Central Juvenile Correctional Facility.  The facility came into existence due to the Departments increasing juvenile male population. The facility began its existence after three vacant buildings of the Logansport State Hospital were identified to house the rising population. These buildings are known as Housing, Programming, and Administration. The facility houses male juveniles from the ages of 12 to 21 years of age and all risk levels.

On July 31, 2006, the North Central Juvenile Correctional Facility merged with the Logansport Juvenile Intake/Diagnostic Facility to form the current Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility. Although merging the treatment unit, formerly NCJCF and the intake unit, formerly LJIDF, these units continue to maintain their previous missions.

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Logansport Juvenile Facility Address

Facility Physical Location

Logansport Juvenile Facility
1118 South State Road 25
Logansport, IN 46947

Phone | (574) 753-7571

Send Mail to an Incarcerated Individual

Offender Full Legal Name, DOC #
Logansport Juvenile Facility
1118 South State Road 25
Logansport, IN 46947

Reminder - Address both envelope and letter. All incoming and outgoing mail is opened, examined, and read by designated facility staff.

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