About Logansport Juvenile Facility
About Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility Treatment Unit:The Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility Treatment Unit originally opened in October 1994 as the North Central Juvenile Correctional Facility. The facility came into existence due to the Departments increasing juvenile male population. The facility began its existence after three vacant buildings of the Logansport State Hospital were identified to house the rising population. These buildings are known as Housing, Programming, and Administration. The facility houses male juveniles from the ages of 12 to 21 years of age and all risk levels.
On July 31, 2006, the North Central Juvenile Correctional Facility merged with the Logansport Juvenile Intake/Diagnostic Facility to form the current Logansport Juvenile Correctional Facility. Although merging the treatment unit, formerly NCJCF and the intake unit, formerly LJIDF, these units continue to maintain their previous missions.