Indiana Risk Assessment System (IRAS) - Per Indiana Office of Court Services’ (IOCS) policy, these instruments are “used at specific points in the criminal justice process to identify an offender’s risk to reoffend and criminogenic needs.” IRAS Policies may be found here:
Pre-Trial Assessment Tool (PAT) - Per IOCS policy, “This tool is designed to assess an offender’s risk for failure to appear and risk to reoffend while on pre-trial supervision.”
Community Supervision Screener (CSST) - Per IOCS policy, “This tool is designed to quickly identify low-risk offenders and determine if a full risk assessment should be completed.”
Community Supervision Tool (CST) - Per IOCS policy, “This tool is designed to assess an offender’s risk to reoffend and identify criminogenic needs to assist in making decisions regarding community supervision.”
Community Supervision Static Tool (ST) – Per IOCS policy, “This tool is designed to assess an offender’s risk to reoffend based solely on static factors.
Indiana Youth Assessment System (IYAS) - Per Indiana Office of Court Services’ (IOCS) policy, these instruments are “used at specific points in the juvenile justice process to identify a youth’s risk to reoffend and criminogenic needs.” IRAS Policies may be found here:
Diversion Tool - Per IOCS policy, “It is a best practice to complete this tool at initial contact for the instant offense to assist in making diversion decisions.”
Detention Tool – Per IOCS policy, “It is best practice to complete this tool prior to detention to assist in making hold/release decisions. This tool can also assist in making decisions regarding releases from detention.”
Disposition Screener – Per IOCS policy, “This tool is designed to quickly identify low-risk youth and determine if a full risk assessment should be completed.”
Disposition Tool – Per IOCS policy, “This tool is designed to assess a youth’s risk to reoffend and identify criminogenic needs to assist in making decisions regarding post-adjudication supervision.”