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Changing Hoosier Lives One Job At A Time!

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HIRE Outreach Materials

Community Impact

Unemployed HIRE Clients have an effect on the community.

Here are some facts to consider:

It costs the State of Indiana roughly $20,000 per year to incarcerate one offender. Annually, more than 12,000 offenders are released from Indiana prisons. Juveniles account for 1,300 of these offenders. After 3 years, 35% of offenders return to prison. When the individual remains unemployed, the rate increases to 60%.

More than 70% of released offenders are parents. Children of these clients:

  • Are most likely to be in the lowest 5% of income earners
  • Usually obtain similar or less education than their parents
  • Are more likely to commit crimes than children of non-offenders

Employing 500 former offenders so they do not re-offend could save Hoosiers roughly $4 million dollars a year.

Based on a 3 year study completed by the Indiana Department of Correction using a 2015 cohort of HIRE participants, there has been an 85% success rate of HIRE program participants from program years 2015-2017. The IDOC study also provided HIRE with information to calculate the economic impact that the HIRE program has had in Indiana from program years 2015-2017, which include:

  • Total program allocations: $3,300,000
  • Avoidance costs: $60,358,950
  • Wage benefits: $107,684,640

By providing work opportunities, employers help HIRE clients become tax-paying citizens who contribute to the community, change their family's futures, and give them a chance to share in the American dream.

HIRE is working to help prevent adult incarceration by focusing on placing clients who have completed certification training in and out of facility clients into employment that will give them a livable wage and career path for success. The HIRE program also established a presence in IDOC juvenile facilities to help reduce juvenile recidivism.

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