All felons with a sentence of at least two years, who are residents of Indiana, do not have detainers or warrants, meet the time requirements of statute, and have at least 30 days to serve.
Notices of eligibility are generated 45 to 60 days prior to the offender's Community Transition Program commencement date and sent from IDOC Central Office to the sentencing courts, prosecutors, and community corrections directors, for participating counties. All approvals and denials issued by the courts are sent to IDOC Central Office. IDOC facilities transport offenders as ordered by courts or statute.
Program availability varies by county. Levels of Supervision provided through community corrections programs or probation may include:
Offenders supervised on CTP shall have access to medical and dental care at their own expense, unless deemed indigent by the court. If an offender is not able to pay for ongoing medical/dental treatment, and is deemed indigent by the court, the Department has the right to return the offender to a Department facility for medical care. If the court orders an offender indigent, the Department shall be notified by the county supervising agency within twenty-four (24) hours of the ruling
Any victim of the offender is notified by DOC regarding CTP eligibility and the victim's right to send written comment to the court.
When considering modification from DOC to CTP, please use the following wording:
“The Court has suspended sufficient time to modify the IDOC release date to mm/dd/yyyy. Defendant is approved for the Community Transition Program, effective mm/dd/yyyy, under Electronic Monitoring, Day Reporting, and/or Re-Entry Court Supervision.”Defendant’s modified DOC release date is mm/dd/yyyy.