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Land & Aerial Survey Office

The Land & Aerial Survey Office has the primary role within Construction Management & District Support of providing support for the design, planning, construction, maintenance and operation of a superior transportation system enhancing safety, mobility and economic growth for the State of Indiana. LASO is committed in its support of INDOT central and district offices, as well as contracted consultants, in delivering quality, environmentally sensitive transportation projects as efficiently as possible, on scope, on schedule and on budget.

LASO is comprised of two primary functional areas: the Land Surveying Section and the Aerial Survey Section. Together they work as a team to provide high quality aerial imaging products and ground survey support. In addition to the two functional areas, LASO is also responsible for the maintenance and administration of the Indiana Statewide GNSS-GPS Real Time Network, known as the InCORS Network.

Land & Aerial Survey Office Operations

Land Survey Section
The Land Survey Section is responsible for establishing project specific geodetic control; placement and location of aerial image ground control; the maintenance and administration of Indiana’s statewide GNSS-GPS real time network, known as InCORS, as well as the INDOT benchmark database; providing geodetic and cadastral survey support; establishing survey specific standards, policies and procedures; and providing timely technical expertise, training, and support for all INDOT survey activities. In addition, the Land Survey Section establishes, administers, evaluates and procures new and emerging technologies in field survey equipment and systems for INDOT. Visit the Land Survey Section for more information about section responsibilities, requirements and standards.

Aerial Survey Section
INDOT’s Aerial Survey Section has been providing aerial imagery and performing Aerial Photographic services for Indiana highway related projects since the late 1950s. In 2001 INDOT purchased a state of the art aerial film camera, a digital scanner specifically for the aerial film, and Digital Photogrammetric workstations. As a result the Aerial Survey Section became a state of the art service for our in-house staff as well as the consultants for INDOT. Visit the Aerial Survey Section for more information about section responsibilities, requirements and standards.

INDOT's Land Survey Section of the Indiana Department of Transportation coordinates a network of continuously operating reference stations (CORS). Each CORS site provides Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS - GPS and GLONASS) carrier phase and code range measurements in support of 3-dimensional positioning activities throughout the state of Indiana. Visit the InCORS page for more information and to download Rinex data.

Welcome to the NEW Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System.

Through many hours and the help of many people, INDOT has been able to create and adopt a better defined coordinate system for the state of Indiana.  In the coming months, INDOT will be posting more information and training sessions available for the new InGCS. For more information about the Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System please visit

Manuals & Standards Links

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Contact Information

Eric Banschbach
Manager - Land & Aerial Survey Office
Indiana Department of Transportation
120 South Shortridge Road
Indianapolis, IN 46219

Office Location

Our office is located in the Materials and Tests Division Building on the East side of Indianapolis, one block south of the intersection of Shortridge Rd. and Washington St. (US40):

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