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Local Public Agency Programs Project Application and Delivery

State Grant Opportunities

The 2022-2 call for presentations will open later this year.

Whether you are new to the CCMG application process or have applied previously, the resources provided below are intended to guide local agencies through the application process. INDOT continues to make improvements to the application process, making it easier than ever for local units of government to apply.

To begin your application, visit

Information on previous CCMG awards can be found here:

INDOT's Contracts Transition to DocuSign

Please be advised INDOT has made the transition to use DocuSign, by all parties, to electronically sign INDOT LPA Contracts and Local Roads and Bridges Matching Grant Agreements.  The following links will give detail instructions for the ERC to submit a list of legal signers, and instruction and examples for the legal signers.

Federal Grant Opportunities
The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) can be found here::

To apply for, participate in, or work on a federal-aid project, your organization may need to meet certain training requirements. For more information about these requirements, upcoming training opportunities, and other helpful tools and resources, visit our LPA Training, Tools & Resources webpage.

Information on the 2026 awards, can be found below.

New Process for Applying for Federal Grant - State Budget Agency Federal Assistance Process
During the last legislative session (2019) the Indiana Code was revised to require approval from the State Budget Agency before participating in federal assistance opportunities, which includes: applying for federal assistance, submitting a federal form required to receive federal assistance and requesting or accepting amendments to a federal award. This includes all grant funds that come into INDOT regardless of who requested the grant.  As you are aware all federal transportation awards are received by INDOT and then passed through to the local entities and others through a federal aid project. We are requesting that any local unit of government, that has sought or will seek federal grants under RAISE, INFRA, or any USDOT sponsored program, work with their local district program director to complete the necessary documentation required by the State Budget Agency. 

It is important to keep in mind that INDOT needs at least a 45 day lead prior to the application deadline. The District Office will work with INDOT’s Project Finance Division to secure the proper authority for grant submittal.  Because the federal funds flow through INDOT and INDOT is required to notify the State Budget Agency of possible additional federal funding it is imperative that we all work together.

  • Community Crossings Matching Grant (CCMG) does not include federal funds, and does not require LPA’s to complete this procedure; CCMG are state funds.
  • LPA’s are not required to complete this procedure to apply for INDOT’s Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) federal call for projects, or for any federal funds allocated yearly to any MPO.
  • LPA’s should only follow this procedure when applying for other federally funded opportunities such as RAISE grants, INFRA, or USDOT sponsored programs.

For further information please view the State Budget Agency Federal Assistance Process link below. To access to the State Budget Agency Federal Assistance Request Form view the link below.

How the Local Public Agency Program Works

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) signs an agreement with each State Department of Transportation to allow states to oversee the responsibilities and execution of their Local Public Agency Program. INDOT’s LPA Program’s Guidance Document is the resource manual for INDOT’s LPA Program. It is the primary source of program information and guidelines that should be followed during an INDOT LPA project from cradle to grave. Revisions to the LPA Guidance Document can be found here.

When INDOT agrees to facilitate a federal-aid project with an LPA, both parties sign the INDOT-LPA Contract. The  LPA Local Projects Letting Prep Schedule 2022-2032 is the schedule LPAs use to track progress and meet required timelines during project development.

The INDOT LPA Program is a reimbursement program, meaning the LPA pays for project billings as they incur and then submits the LPA Invoice-Voucher for reimbursement of the federal funding percentage agreed upon for their project.    

Many local agencies have expressed a desire to take more control of their federally funded projects, and INDOT has created a mechanism to facilitate that for projects that are not on the National Highway System. This program, known as the LPA Certification Program, is optional and offers an exciting opportunity for LPAs to utilize any and all federal, state, and locally recognized and accepted design standards for their projects.

Important things to know before you apply

In order to be eligible for these federal funds, communities must provide a local match and meet other federal requirements to receive federal funding, including maintaining an Employee in Responsible Charge (ERC).

An ERC is a designated employee who is responsible for ensuring the compliance of all state and federal-aid regulations related to the project development and construction of locally administered projects. The ERC acts on behalf of the LPA as the primary point of contact for the project. To take the ERC Basic Project Development Online Course, contact

Asset Management for Federally Funded LPA Roadways

Development and implementation of a Pavement Asset Management Policy provides a local public agency a tool which can be used to identify their needs, prioritize their actions, and allocate available funds appropriately. Please view the link below for Pavement Asset Management for Local Public Agency Roadways.

Local Public Agency Consultant Information

The process for hiring a consultant for a federal-aid project must follow specific requirements set by the Federal Highway Administration. For more about this process and resources you will need, visit our Local Public Agency Program Consultant Information webpage.

Local Public Agency Title VI/ADA Compliance  

To remain an eligible sub-recipient for federal funding through INDOT, all LPAs must maintain their compliance with civil rights laws and nondiscrimination policies and procedures.

To ensure you are compliant with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities act requirements, please visit our resource page for subrecipients of federal funds. Here you will find our technical assistance tool, templates for all required program and policy documents, and links to register for upcoming training opportunities.

INDOT no longer requires a precertification survey be completed annually. Instead, your program documents should be updated once every year by submitting them to INDOT at This same inbox may be used for questions related to Title VI and ADA compliance.

Local Public Agency Right-of-Way  

As of August 2014, the Right-of-Way review process is now conducted through INDOT’s Central Office. The following resources relate to the Right-of-Way phase of an LPA project. LPA Right-of-Way parcel forms or the updated MAP-21 Relocation information can be found in Buying Forms within the Real Estate Manuals.

Current LPA project information

LPA – Project End Dates (PED) and Inactive Projects

A worksheet has been prepared providing the current status of LPA projects as it relates to Project End Dates (PED) and Inactive Projects.  This worksheet will be placed on the INDOT LPA website on a monthly basis.  The first tab lists all LPA projects and their associated project end dates (PED) and the second tab lists all the LPA projects that are currently inactive with FHWA.  Both lists are sorted by District, County, Urban Area, and then City Boundary/Federal Place Code.  Questions about the information included in the spreadsheet can be sent to your INDOT District Program Director(s).

Local Public Agency Request for Proposals

Listed below are Requests for Proposals (RFPs) regarding transportation or transportation infrastructure situations. Each RFP includes criteria and background needed.

RFPs do not constitute the commencement of any other type of procurement process for any project.

All materials submitted by respondents shall be subject to the Indiana Public Records Act, and any other laws and regulations applicable to the disclosure of documents submitted under the RFP.

Important Notices  

Information that may significantly impact LPAs receiving federal-aid through INDOT will be posted here temporarily. All communications from the INDOT LPA Department are sent through a subscription service called GovDelivery. It is highly recommended that all LPAs read the instructions to subscribe.

Related Links

Contact Information

Kathy L. Eaton-McKalip
LPA/MPO Grant Administrator
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 N. Senate Ave. IGCN 955
Indianapolis, IN 46204
317-234 -5142

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