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Leading from Within

Rebuilding the employee experience and strengthening our workforce


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Leading from Within (LFW) is more than an initiative, it’s a framework to build from and grow as we work to drive our agency forward. Some of the lessons taught through LFW may be a refresher for some, for others, they’re new tools to use as we work to create an even better working environment here at the Indiana Department of Correction, an environment where current staff want to stay and where new recruits want to come work.

To some, LFW lessons and concepts may seem familiar. Many supervisors already implement some of these tactics. For others, these ideas and strategies may be     entirely new. Either way,  the focus is on you — helping you build insights for continued success and new opportunities in your career. 

To support you, we’ve also put together resources that you can access anytime. Keep reading for more details, and thank you for being part of this exciting effort to drive our agency forward. Ultimately, our goal is to create a sustainable environment where current staff want to stay and where recruits want to come to work.

Here are just a few of the takeaways some staff have shared:

  • “The session re-enforced some things that I need to work on/be more cognizant of.”
  • “I learned a lot about myself and how to deal with other staff. I am leaving this training with more confidence in myself.”
  • “I came in with a low expectation, but the session far exceeded my expectations in a positive way. Despite managing people for years, I was able to learn new approaches to problem solving and motivation.”
  • “I didn’t know what to expect coming to this class but understanding the different styles and techniques will help me communicate better.”

Leading from Within is who we are and how we do what we do. As we continue on this journey, here are some things we ask of you.

  • Have patience. These changes aren’t going to happen overnight. Our current environment took years to create, and it will also take time to make lasting change. All of us working together and making small shifts will have a big impact.
  • Be present and participate in this process and training. Bring a positive attitude, be willing to build stronger relationships, and strive for better communication with your peers and supervisors.
  • Implement and engage with one another. Promotional materials are being posted around worksites for a reason. Each day use the tactics you learn in training to build a better working environment not just for yourself but your entire team. Weave these ideas into everything that you do.

Search the Ambassadors Directory to Find Your Leading From Within Ambassador

Ambassadors will be organizing further LFW events at your facility to keep the momentum going. Don't be surprised if they want to engage directly with you. They are committed to developing a strong rapport with all staff and ensuring you have the right resources to grow in your career. They have been encouraged to regularly make leadership walks around your worksites. Remember, the LFW Ambassadors are here for you.