In compliance with 23 CFR section 200.9(b)(7) and FHWA guidance, INDOT reviews and monitors subrecipients that receive FHWA funding through INDOT for compliance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Acts and all applicable civil rights, rules, regulations, and Statutes. Before receiving FHWA funding, subrecipients must sign an Agreement with INDOT, including assurances of nondiscrimination in accordance with USDOT Order 1050.2A.
INDOT is adhered to 28 CFR 35.130. It is INDOT policy that no qualified person with a disability shall, solely by reason of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity that receives federal financial assistance administered by the United States Department of Transportation. 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 27 and 28 require that all recipients of federal-aid highway funds comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504). As a recipient, the State of Indiana is responsible for ensuring that its subrecipients comply with Section 504. 28 CFR 35 implements the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504, which extended the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability to all local agencies, including those that do not receive Federal financial assistance.
Our goal in monitoring our subrecipients is to ensure all entities and agencies over which INDOT has nondiscrimination oversight responsibility remain or are brought into compliance with Title VI, the ADA, and other nondiscrimination requirements. INDOT provides training, tools and resources to make compliance efforts manageable and easier for our subrecipients as we work together to improve Indiana communities by constructing roads, bridges, highways, and pedestrian facilities across the state.
Title VI/ADA Information & Resources for Indiana Communities
These tools are intended to provide technical assistance to INDOT subrecipients regarding their responsibilities under Title VI. They are resources to be tailored to fit your community’s needs and using these resources does not guarantee compliance, constitute legal advice or prevent liability. Communities are encouraged to work with counsel to ensure their compliance efforts meet the federal requirements.
- Assurances of Nondiscrimination
- Bid Solicitation Language
- Sample Complaint Log
- Sample Complaint Policy
- Title VI Implementation Plan Template
- LEP - Language Translation Request Form
- Sample Training Materials / Powerpoint Template
- Roadmap to Title VI Compliance
- Roadmap to ADA Compliance
- Local Public Agency Nondiscrimination Compliance
All Recipients of federal funds, directly or indirectly as subrecipients, are required to comply with all nondiscrimination rules, regulations, statutes, and laws. For communities (Cities, Towns, Counties, etc.), this includes developing a Title VI Implementation Plan, a Title VI Annual Goals & Accomplishments Report and an ADA Transition Plan. INDOT is required to ensure communities comply with nondiscrimination requirements before awarding funds for local projects. INDOT requires Title VI and ADA Coordinators to receive regular Title VI training every 2 years. Requirements change, and it is the LPA's responsibility to remain current and up to date with nondiscrimination requirements.
INDOT provides in-person Title VI, ADA, and PROWAG training yearly in August. A virtual option will be provided only if seating capacity is reached. A registration link will be posted on this page beginning in June of each year. See our 2024 Title VI / ADA/ PROWAG Workshop below:
Additional Training Tool and Guidance Resources
- Understanding ADA Self Evaluation
- Inspecting Curb Ramps for ADA Compliance
- Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG)
- ADA Standards for Accessible Design 2010
Other Related Nondiscrimination Authorities
Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC 6101-6107)
Prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
Pursuant to Executive Order 13166, INDOT must take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to its services to persons who have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English. LEP persons may be entitled to language assistance.