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I-69 Added Travel Lanes and Maintenance: Delaware and Madison Counties

Walsh Construction and Rieth-Riley have been awarded a $79 million contract to add travel lanes and complete maintenance work on I-69 from north of the State Road 38/W. State St. interchange west of Pendleton to north of the State Road 32 interchange near Daleville. Construction on the project is anticipated to begin July 9, 2018 and is expected to be completed in the summer of 2020.

Project Breakdown

  • Adding 8.4 miles of additional travel lanes inside the median (from mile markers 219-227)
  • More than 6.5 miles of pavement maintenance (from mile markers 227-233)

Rehabbing, replacing and/or widening the following bridges:

  • Old SR 132/Main Street over I-69
  • County Road 400 West over I-69
  • I-69 over CSX Railroad (south of I-69 & SR 38/Dr. MLK Boulevard interchange)
  • SR 9/SR 67 over I-69
  • I-69 over Prairie Creek
  • I-69 over Old SR 109/Columbus Avenue
  • I-69 over CSX Railroad (south of I-69 & SR 9/109 interchange)
  • I-69 over SR 9/SR 109
  • I-69 over Sly Fork
  • SR 236 over I-69
  • I-69 over Brandon Ditch
  • I-69 over SR 67

County Road 400 West will be closed for bridge work over I-69. The closure should last no more than four months. A detour route and schedule of the closure will be released after meeting with the contractors.

Pothole Patching, Public Outreach and Project Schedule

Crews will do pothole patching as part of this project. Work will begin after the contractors receive a Notice to Proceed, which is a notification from INDOT stating when the contractors can begin project work.

INDOT, Rieth-Riley, and Walsh Construction hosted a public meeting that shared information with the public about contractors’ plans for this project.

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