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Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Device (IMUTCD)

This document is Indiana's version of a National MUTCD and it applies to all roadways open to public travel in the state. It provides rules, recommendations, and options for effective use of traffic control devices in general and also special situations like low volume rural roads, work zones, school areas, highway-rail crossings, and bike lanes. The National MUTCD is adopted through the federal rulemaking process but the Indiana Code requires that INDOT adopt its' own version to account for state specific practices and rules. The oversight of this effort has been delegated to Traffic Administration. The Indiana MUTCD is on INDOTs web page.

The next edition of the Indiana MUTCD is currently in development and Traffic Administration is working with the Indiana Local Technical Assistance Program, consultants, and local public agencies on this initiative.

Traffic Administration also handles MUTCD experimentation and interim approval requests for new or modified traffic control devices that are not covered by the MUTCD. Traffic Administration has obtained statewide interim approval for the following traffic control devices:

IA-15 Alternative Design for the U.S. Bicycle Route (M1-9) Sign

IA-18 Bicycle Boxes

IA-21 Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons

For more information on interim approvals, see FHWA site.

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