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Hoosier Helpers

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The Hoosier Helper Safety Service Patrol sponsored by GEICO is a Good Samaritan program offered by INDOT to assist stranded motorists on Indiana interstates. The purpose of the program is to help keep Indiana interstates safe, provide traffic control and medical assistance at crash sites, and offer limited road side assistance if needed. Since the program began in 1991, Hoosier Helpers have come to the aid of more than 400,000 motorists, driven more than 20 million miles and responded to more than 1.2 million incidents.

INDOT is proud to team up with GEICO, the exclusive sponsor of the Hoosier Helpers. The goal of the collaborative sponsorship is to create a long-term, supplemental funding source for the Safety Service Patrol program. Visit to learn more about the program and to tell us about your experience with the Hoosier Helpers. You can also post to social media using the hashtag #GEICOSafetyPatrol.

Hoosier Helpers are sponsored by

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Hoosier Helpers is a key element of TrafficWise, an INDOT program that uses Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to relieve traffic congestion and improve safety.

A Purdue University study of the Hoosier Helper program on the Borman Expressway (I-80/94) in northwest Indiana – where Hoosier Helpers aid nearly 20,000 motorists a year – reported a measurable payoff.

The study found that:

  • Hoosier Helpers make driving easier by clearing incidents quickly, thus reducing traffic congestion.
  • Hoosier Helpers make driving safer by reducing the number of secondary crashes – those that occur in traffic backups created by traffic incidents.

The net result: Every dollar spent on the Hoosier Helper program saves motorists more than 10 times that much in time and fuel wasted while sitting in traffic.

The Traffic Management Center staff and Hoosier Helpers sponsored by GEICO are constantly in touch, exchanging information about motorists in need of help, congestion, or other traffic problems. Traffic Management Center operators can dispatch Hoosier Helpers to render assistance while Hoosier Helpers provide information about the causes of traffic slowdowns.

Keeping Indiana Interstates Safe

If you've driven on Indiana interstates, chances are you have seen the Hoosier Helpers sponsored by GEICO at work. Hoosier Helpers patrol interstates, assist motorists, and keep highways safe by performing the following services:

  • Changing flat tires
  • Fixing minor mechanical problems
  • Removing debris from the road at the scene of an accident
  • Providing minimal amounts of fuel
  • Providing some medical assistance as trained Good Samaritans

Hoosier Helpers are an invaluable asset to numerous agencies including the Indiana State Police and local first responders in assisting with various emergencies on Indiana interstates. They are trained in First Aid, CPR, Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), HAZMAT, and have completed medical helicopter training.

In addition to quick clearance, which increases throughput and reduces secondary crashes, the Hoosier Helper program sponsored by GEICO provides a multitude of additional green benefits including reducing wasted fuel and pollution by alleviating congestion.

Safety is the top priority for Hoosier Helper Incident Response Technicians. 

Indiana Service Areas

Hoosier Helpers currently patrol interstates in three areas of the state, central Indiana, northwest Indiana, and southern Indiana. As Indiana metropolitan areas expand, the coverage areas of the Hoosier Helpers program will increase. If you are in need of assistance by a Hoosier Helper, please call INDOT Customer Service at 855-INDOT4U (463-6848).

Hoosier Helpers cover 177 miles of interstate in central, northwest and southern Indiana. (See below)

Central Indiana

Indianapolis metropolitan area

  • All I-465 (0-53)
  • I-70 from 68.9 - 95.5
  • I-65 from 99.5 - 129.9
  • I-69 from the 200 – 209.8
  • I-74 from 68.6 – 95.7
  • All of I-865 (0-5)

Northwest Indiana

Located near Gary

  • I-65 from 247.5 - 261
  • I-80/94 from 0 – 15.8
  • I-94 from 15.8 - 19

Southern Indiana

Located near Louisville

  • All of I-265 (0-12.9)
  • I-64 from the 113 - 123.8
  • I-65 from the 0 – 15.6

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The INDOT Safety Patrol program is operated solely by Indiana DOT personnel who are not authorized to contact GEICO on behalf of the motorists or assist in insurance claims.

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