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Ramp Metering

What is Ramp Metering?

Ramp metering is a traffic management technique that regulates vehicle flow at interstate on-ramps by using traffic signals to control the frequency at which vehicles enter the flow of traffic. Ramp meters smooth the flow of traffic entering the freeway so vehicles can merge with mainline traffic with minimal disruption to traffic flow.

Benefits of Ramp Metering

Ramp metering is a widely proven, cost-effective strategy to increase the efficiency of interstate systems. Ramp metering can improve the flow of traffic, while improving safety for motorists. These benefits include:

  • Overall traffic delay decrease
  • Travel time reduction
  • Reductions in freeway crashes and their severity
  • Reductions in fuel consumption and emissions due to eliminating prolonged periods of stop-and-go conditions.

The benefits of Ramp Metering have been demonstrated across the country in a multitude of metropolitan areas. See below for Ramp Metering benefits in other states:

Ramp Metering at INDOT

To learn about how INDOT is utilizing Ramp Metering, visit our Transportation Systems Management Operations page.

Learn more about Ramp Metering

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