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Traffic Design Office

The Traffic design group is responsible for delivering quality, efficient, and cost-effective project plans and contract documents that comply with state and federal policies and guidelines. The design team completes various types of projects including traffic control, signing, signals, pavement markings, lighting, and maintenance items. Collaboration between the in-house road, bridge, and INDOT district and central office design teams allows the traffic design group to deliver accurate plans, quantity calculations, cost estimates, special provisions, and unique special provisions. The traffic group assists these other departments and teams for any items pertaining to traffic design on an as needed basis.  The design team oversees specialty projects that include designing and implementing new safety features and innovative solutions in areas where standard designs have not worked to solve problems in the past.

New safety features include High Friction Surface Treatments (HFST) in areas with a high number of run-off-the-road crashes and Wrong-Way Detection Signs for interstate ramps with a high number of errant drivers traveling in the wrong direction. An Intersection Conflict Warning System (ICWS) is an innovative design that provides flashing beacons and flashing driver feedback signs where there is limited sight distance on an approach to an intersection with a high occurrence of crashes. The traffic design team is continuously working to help create and maintain a safer transportation system for the traveling public in vehicles, on foot, and any other form of transportation found throughout Indiana.


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