The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is Indiana’s four-five planning and construction document that lists all projects, and project phases, expected to be funded within 5 years with federal funds as well as state-funded projects that has been deemed Regionally Significant. It is prepared in cooperation with local government entities throughout Indiana, including Transportation Planning Regions (TPRs), Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs). The STIP identifies the funding and the scheduling of transportation projects and programs by fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). It includes all state and local transportation projects funded with federal highway and/or federal transit funding along with 100 percent state funded transportation projects (including highway, passenger rail, freight, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian), and projects in the national parks).
Indiana has both a decentralized and centralized programming process. Projects are submitted by the six INDOT districts and selected through an agency-wide, statewide asset management process in coordination with MPOs, local public agencies, and transit coordinators. Stakeholder and public input is collected by the MPOs, RPOs, and INDOT at various points within the STIP development process. The STIP is approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The STIP is developed on a two-year cycle and amended monthly.
Once a STIP is approved by FHWA and FTA, major changes to federally funded projects must be approved through a formal amendment process by FHWA/FTA. Lesser changes or the correction of incorrect information in the STIP can be accomplished through the Administrative Modification process, which does not require federal approval. INDOT has developed specific guidelines to define requirements for STIP amendments and modifications. Proactive public involvement is a key component of the state's transportation planning processes. There are multiple opportunities along the way for the public and stakeholders to have a voice in the STIP process. You can attend annual district public meetings, contact your respective INDOT district office regarding transportation facility needs, contact your respective MPO or RPO office, participate in regional meetings in your area of interest, participate in the STIP public comment period, and provide your comments on our Public Comment Form.
For more information on the STIP, please view our STIP Public Primer Document.
STIP Documents
- STIP FY 2026-2030 (Draft)
- STIP FY 2024-2028 (Current)
- STIP FY 2022-2026
- STIP FY 2020-2024
- STIP FY 2018-2021
- STIP FY 2016-2019
- STIP FY 2014 - 2017
- STIP Highway FY 2012 - 2015
- STIP Transit FY 2012 - 2015
- STIP FY 2010 - 2013
Internal Access Only
Related Links
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
- Indiana Metropolitan Planning Organization Council
- Indiana Association of Regional Councils (Rural Planning Organizations)
- INDOT District Offices
- INDOT STIP Commonly Used Acronyms
- INDOT Transportation Planning
- STIP Comment Form
- Reports & Other Publications
Contact Information
Michael McNeil
STIP Director
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 North Senate Ave, IGCN N758-Transportation Planning
Indianapolis, IN 46204