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INDOT Employees Receive Recognition

January 2023

Four INDOT employees recently were recognized for their transportation-related accomplishments.

· Major Projects Deputy Director Sarah Rubin was recognized for her work on the I-69 Finish Line project by being nominated for the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Transportation 2022 Vanguard Award. Rubin was among a select number of candidates nationwide who exemplify a commitment to excellence and/or implementation of innovative technologies and processes.

· Deputy Chief of Staff Scott Manning received the 2022 Electric Vehicle (EV) Leadership honor as part of the Greater Indiana Clean Cities Annual Awards. Manning was part of the team that delivered Indiana’s EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan, which was approved by the federal Joint Office of Energy and Transportation.

· Commissioner Mike Smith was bestowed the 2022 Honorable Ray LaHood Award by the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) for “actively leading by example in seeking opportunities to advance the WTS mission and having made outstanding contributions toward the advancement of women and minorities.” WTS is an international organization with more than 6,500 members and 79 chapters, including one in the Indianapolis area. The award is named for the former U.S. secretary of transportation.

· Office of Aviation Director Marty Blake was named executive committee treasurer of the National Association of State Aviation Officials for 2022-2023. Blake will oversee the organization’s finances, which will include developing a reserves policy, planning strategic investments, and developing an operations budget for federal fiscal year 2024, as well as increasing education and outreach programs to the national system of airports.

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