**Certified Tech Program will resume in late January 2025.
All exams are in-person on the dates advertised. Please use the calendar link below the Certified Technician Program Registration Calendar section of this page to sign up for a seat at the next exam. New registrations will be available monthly. Seating capacity is limited.
INDOT developed the Certified Technician Program (CTP) to increase the number of experienced professionals able to perform construction contract inspections. The Certified Technician Program is comprised of six areas of certification, with each exam lasting 2 hours and 45 minutes:
- Bridge Construction and Deck Repair
- Concrete Paving
- Construction Earthworks
- Construction Procedures 1
- Construction Procedures 2
- Hot Mix Asphalt Paving
Any business performing onsite inspection for INDOT must meet the requirements of their contract with INDOT. Unless otherwise noted in the contract, persons performing onsite inspection for INDOT must meet one of the following criteria:
- Be a Professional Engineer
- Hold a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Construction Management from a regionally accredited university
- Be certified under the INDOT Certified Technician Program
INDOT is committed to making its programs accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require an accommodation or special assistance for this program due to a disability, please contact us at INDOT Talent Management sufficiently in advance of the exam date. Determinations may result in the need to postpone to another exam date.
Certification & Training
To be certified, an individual must have passed all 6 CTP exams.
Training manuals are available below for review leading up to the CTP Exam date. A Standard Specifications manual may be used as supplemental reference for an exam and will be made available upon request at the exam site. At the time of the exam, an electronic training manual will be provided for use during the exam. If the exam is not passed, the participant may register to retake the exam on the next scheduled exam date.
Exam Rules
- Failure to follow any rule noted herein or provided at the exam or unethical behavior may result in forfeiture of the exam.
- An electronic manual will be provided at the testing site by INDOT personnel.
- Manuals and/or notes not explicitly provided by INDOT personnel are not allowed on site.
- Additionally, a Spec Book can be made available upon request.
- A physical, single-use, non-programmable scientific calculator, which can be provided by the participant or made available upon request.
- All exams are administered electronically. A laptop with WiFi and modern browser is required to be provided by the participant when taking an exam. The recommended minimum screen size for the laptop is 15in.
- You will be asked to close all applications aside from your browser and to close all browser tabs other than the exam tab.
- Accessing other sites or using other browser tabs or applications during the exam period is not permitted.
Testing Site:
- Late arrivals may not be admitted into the exam room.
- Items not required for use on your exam shall not be brought into the testing room. This includes personal manuals and notes.
- You may be asked to remove any non-required items found prior to the exam period.
- If you are seeking a specific exception for medical or personal reasons, please discuss with the Proctor upon entering the testing room.
- Your phone must be turned OFF or be on silent mode, not vibrate, and set face-down at the head of your testing area. Any use of your phone during the exam is prohibited unless specifically allowed upon discussion with the Proctor.
- Check-in with the Proctor to obtain any INDOT-provided testing items.
- INDOT-provided items may not leave the Testing Site premises.
- Individuals are responsible for maintaining their Certification records to provide to an employer or INDOT personnel upon request.
- Certifications are obtained by passing the associated CTP exam with a score of 70% or higher.
- Individuals will be notified by email of their results.
- The official email containing your exam results may be presented as Proof of Certification.
- Upon completion of all exams, a personalized Certified Technician credentials card can be emailed to you upon request. Please request the credentials by filling out the Certified Tech Completion Form or you may refer to the excerpt in your Exam Results letter sent to your email for how to make that request.
Testing Location
State Police Post/INDOT Traffic Management Center
8620 E. 21st. Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Map to the testing location
Registration & Payment
Starting in October 2024, the registration cost of Certified Tech Program will be reduced to $0.
Registrations are still required to be submitted by Sunday 11:59pm ET, one week prior to the test date, after which registration for that exam will be closed.
Certified Technician Program Registration Calendar
Click here to register for a Certified Technician Exam Date.
Certified Technician Calendar now requires you to have an account to register for an Event. Click Sign Up on the Calendar Event page linked above and follow the on-screen prompts or email Construction Management Support for more information on creating an Access Indiana Account.
Calendar Registration will be available for enrollment no more than 60 days before the start of Exam Date. The calendar will update on the first of each month to reflect exams currently available for registration. There will be both morning and afternoon sessions available for each exam date.
Certified Technician Program Manuals
Certified Technician Program Manuals for studying are available below. Exams will be based on the November revisions made available therein. Non-final versions will be the most up to date, but updates will not be included on the exam until the final November revision of that year. Any manual not marked as a November revision is non-final.
Bridge Construction and and Deck Repair
Contact Information
INDOT Construction Management
100 N. Senate Ave, Rm N758-CM
Indianapolis, IN 46204