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Traffic Structure Inspection Programs

Traffic Administration manages another professional services contract for the inspection of overhead sign structures and high mast towers. The program in conducted according to FHWA’s Guidelines for the Installation, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals.

INDOT has about 4,000 overhead sign structures in its inventory including box trusses, tri-chord trusses, mono tube spans, cantilevers, and bridge mounted brackets. We work with the districts to develop a list of structures to be inspected each (fiscal) year. A consultant performs the inspections and performs minor maintenance at the time of inspection such as tightening anchor bolt hardware, District Traffic may also effect maintenance and repair work when needed. Structural repair work is or replacement is done by contract, Traffic Administration works with the Districts and Capital Programs to get this work scheduled. Each year we inspect about 15% of our inventory, each structure is inspected about every 6 years.

Traffic Administration also oversees an inspection contract for nearly 900 high mast lighting towers. Towers are inspected approximately every 2 to 3 years.

Inspection reports for overhead sign structures and high mast towers can be viewed on Collaborative GIS

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