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Toll Road Oversight Information

The Indiana Toll Road (ITR) is no longer operated by INDOT.  In 2006, as part of former Gov. Mitch Daniels’ Major Moves program, Statewide Mobility Partners LLC (SMP), a limited liability company between Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte SA and Macquarie Infrastructure Group, was awarded a 75-year lease of the toll road for $3.8 billion. SMP formed the ITR Concession Company LLC (ITRCC) to operate and manage the ITR during the lease term. ITRCC formally assumed the responsibility for all operating and maintenance of the Indiana Toll Road on June 29, 2006.

On Sept. 22, 2014, ITRCC announced it filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and that a sale process for the asset would commence. IFM Investors on March 11, 2015, announced that it had entered into a purchase and sale agreement for $5.725 billion for the right to operate the Indiana Toll Road and collect toll revenue. IFM inherits the remaining 66 years of the Concession Lease Agreement.

The Indiana Finance Authority (IFA), INDOT, and the Indiana Toll Road Oversight Board appointed by the Governor retain oversight responsibility on behalf of the State of Indiana to assure that ITRCC operates and maintains the Toll Road in accordance with the terms of the lease.

Visit the Indiana Toll Road website for information and service regarding the toll road, including a toll rate calculator, accident or incident claim forms, travel plaza (service station) information, and contact information. If you require further assistance please contact ITRCC at (for response within 24 business hours) or call (574)-675-4010 Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST.

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Contact Information

Indiana Toll Road

For all Indiana Toll Road and E-ZPass account-related questions,
please call: 574-675-4010 or visit

Indiana Toll Road Customer Service: 574-675-4010

State of Indiana

Woodson Dresden
Indiana Toll Road Compliance Manager
Indiana Department of Transportation
7701 E. Melton Rd.
Gary, IN 46403
Office: 219-938-2032

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