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Heavy Haul Transportation Corridor

Purpose of the Heavy Haul Transportation Corridor (HHTC) in Clark County is to provide continuous connectivity for transporting heavy loads between River Ridge Commerce Center and the Ports of Indiana at Jeffersonville via the interchange at State Road 265/Old Salem Road. The HHTC is needed to meet the current needs and future demands of expanding commercial and industrial development in the region, development that would otherwise mix an increasing volume of heavy haul vehicles with local traffic.

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation, Ports of Indiana, Kentuckiana Regional Planning and Development Agency, Clark County, Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commission and River Ridge Development Authority are partnering with the Indiana Department of Transportation to develop this federally funded project.

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Designed to accommodate “heavy haul” specifications, the route would be built as a 2-lane urban minor arterial road with 14½-inch thick pavement over a lime stabilized subgrade. The roadway will consist of 2 lanes 13 feet wide with 11-foot outside shoulders. Design speed is 35 mph.

Preparation of the project’s Environmental Document began in the spring of 2014 and continues into the first quarter of 2018. Design development began in early 2016 and should continue through the second quarter of 2019.

INDOT’s right-of-way acquisition is scheduled to start in the third quarter of 2018.

Actual construction is tentatively slated to start in the third quarter of 2019 and continuing into the fourth quarter of 2020 at an estimated cost of $18.6 million.

Completed Construction

The first stage of Heavy Haul Corridor construction was completed in December of 2016 along with the opening of the East End Bridge which connects Utica, Indiana with Prospect, Kentucky. This section of heavy-haul roadway connects S.R. 265 and S.R. 62 by way of River Ridge Commerce Center. The $10.5 million project cost did not include any federal funding.

Draft Environmental Assessment

FONSI and Final Enviromental Assessment

Project Documents

Contact Information

INDOT Customer Service
Phone: 855-INDOT4U (463-6848)

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