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US 41-Lloyd Expressway Interchange

The U.S. 41-Lloyd Expressway Interchange was completed by INDOT in Summer 2017.

Project Information

INDOT is reconfiguring the U.S. 41 and State Road 62/66 (Lloyd Expressway) interchange in downtown Evansville, Ind., into a full-cloverleaf interchange design. This $19.1 million project will eliminate two at-grade stoplights from the Lloyd Expressway, enhance traffic capacity, improve mobility, and increase safety.

During the one-year project, crews will build new configurations for U.S. 41 and Lloyd Expressway one-half at a time. Traffic will be maintained during the project by phasing construction on both U.S. 41 and S.R. 62/66. The project will also include lowering the pavement on S.R. 66 to increase clearance for the bridges on U.S. 41. INDOT is also partnering with the City of Evansville on a multi-use trail that will include a new pedestrian bridge over the Lloyd Expressway.

On U.S. 41, the project will include pavement and bridge rehabilitation. Current lane assignments will be maintained, including two through lanes in each direction on the south leg of the project, and three through lanes in each direction on the north leg of the project.

On S.R. 62/66 (Lloyd Expressway), the project will include pavement replacement. Current lane assignments will be maintained, with three through lanes in each direction. New entrance-exit ramps and connector and loop ramps will be added in each corner of the interchange.

Access to all interchange ramps will be maintained at all times during construction. Installation of new pavement is scheduled to being in spring 2015. The project is expected to be opened to traffic in fall 2015. The construction contract was awarded to Ragle, Inc. of Newburgh, Ind.

When the project is completed, storm water runoff will be collected in dry detention ponds inside the loop ramps and conveyed through a new storm sewer pipe. Sections of Division Street and Weinbach Avenue northeast of U.S. 41 and Lloyd Expressway will be closed to through traffic during construction of the storm sewer.

Project Updates

Traffic shifts and lane closures began on the Lloyd Expressway on Oct. 13, 2014. Division Street access to the Lloyd Expressway was also permanently closed on Oct. 13, 2014. A detour of pedestrian traffic along Division Street, Weinbach Avenue and Walnut Street began on Oct. 9, 2014, to accommodate construction of a new multi-use trail and pedestrian bridge.

Traffic on U.S. 41, Lloyd Expressway and the ramps connecting the two will be maintained with traffic shifts and lane closures, but drivers should expect delays and consider alternate routes.

Purpose & Need

  • Enhance safety and traffic capacity within the corridor
  • Construct a full cloverleaf interchange with roads on Lloyd Expressway at U.S. 41
  • Eliminate at-grade intersections and traffic signals on Lloyd Expressway at U.S. 41

The primary need for this improvement is due to the following factors:

  • Delays on Lloyd Expressway caused by the signalized intersections at two ramp junctions
  • Number of traffic accidents experienced at or near the ramp junction intersections



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Contact Information

Customer Service
Indiana Department of Transportation-Southwest District
3650 South U.S. 41
Vincennes, IN 47591
Toll Free: (800) 279-5798

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