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INDOT's Aeronautic Functions

INDOT’s Office of Aviation performs the following functions:

Policy Development and Analysis

In order to assist and serve the aviation community, the Office of Aviation of the Intermodal Division must maintain an active role in the formulation and review of federal programs and policies, and assess and propose changes in both state and federal regulations, legislation and funding in airport and air transportation facilities.

Airport Inspection and Certification

The Office of Aviation of the Intermodal Division is responsible for promoting aviation safety throughout the State of Indiana. All private and public-use landing facilities are required under 105 IAC 3-3 to receive a Certificate of Site Approval. Public-use landing facilities receive annual inspections while private-use facilities receive an initial certificate which is valid for the operating life of the facility. Through this inspection process, the Office of Aviation strives to maintain a high level of safety within the state aviation system.

Aviation Engineering Assistance

As established in I.C. 8-21-1, the Department offers engineering or other technical advice to airport sponsors and local units of government. This assistance may involve either proposed or existing construction, maintenance or operation of an airport or landing field.

Aviation Planning Assistance

Technical assistance provided by the Office of Aviation of the Division of Intermodal Transportation to local aviation sponsors is designed to (1) promote the efficient development of local facilities, and (2) bring about a balanced system consistent with the development goals and objectives of the Indiana State Aviation System Plan.

Major activities of this work element include the identification of local issues, the development of individual Airport Master Plans, Airport Layout Plans (or subsequent updates), documentation of needed airport improvements identified in Airport Master Plans/Airport Layout Plans and the Indiana State Aviation System Plan, inclusion of eligible projects in the Indiana Airport Capital Improvement Program, and technical recommendations aimed at protecting airport environments and the State's citizens from incompatible uses.

Airport Development

Airport development tasks performed by the Aeronautics Section are designed to promote the efficient and effective development of local facilities and to bring about a balanced state aviation system consistent with the development goals and objectives of the Indiana State Aviation System Plan.

Major activities under airport development include, but may not be limited to: (1) the identification of local and/or regional aviation development issues; (2) the development of individual Airport Master Plans, Airport Layout Plans, Environmental Assessments, Part 150 Noise Compatibility studies, metropolitan/regional system plan studies; (4) documentation of needed airport improvements identified in Airport Master Plans, Airport Layout Plans, regional system plan studies, and the Indiana State Aviation System Plan; (5) inclusion of eligible projects in the Indiana Airport Capital Improvement Program, and; (6) policy and technical recommendations aimed at protecting airport environments and the State's citizens from incompatible uses.

Aviation Awareness

Indiana's involvement with aviation awareness deals with providing information to the general public on the value of aviation, the benefits of community airports, the role each airport plays in the overall transportation network, and the importance of safety as a priority in the aviation community. This program includes Project TAKEOFF which is a teaching module designed for grades 2-6

Regulation of Tall Structures

Under the Indiana Regulation of Tall Structure, I.C. 8-21- 10, the location and height of structures and the use of land near public-use airports is regulated. This is to provide for the safety, welfare and protection of persons and property in the air and on the ground, while maintaining electronic communication within the state.

FAA Airport Safety Data Program

Under a contractual agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) through the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO), the Office of Aviation performs annual updates of the FAA 5010 Master Record Forms. This contract requires the Aeronautics Section to collect data and update FAA Form 5010 records. This activity, in combination with the Airport Inspection and Certification task, promotes aviation safety through timely reporting of information and current conditions at the state's public-use landing facilities.

Airport Pavement Condition Index Program

Effective management of airports and airport systems is a responsibility vital to the aviation system of Indiana and the nation. A significant factor in fulfillment of this responsibility centers on maintaining the pavements at airports in a safe and serviceable condition in a cost-effective manner. The Indiana Airport Pavement Condition Index Program is designed to assist managers and administrators on the local, state, and federal level in the analysis of pavement conditions, the identification of cost-effective alternatives, and the development of Capital Improvement Program priorities. The Indiana Aeronautics Section was one of the nation's pioneers in the development of an airport Pavement Condition Index (PCI) program.

Aircraft Traffic Counting Program

This program involves the continuous development of aircraft operation estimates at various non-towered airports throughout the State of Indiana. Data collected from this program are used to forecast future activity at Indiana State Aviation System Plan facilities and for prioritizing capital improvement projects by state and federal authorities. The most important input into any method of estimating aircraft operations is collecting accurate sample data. As such, this program utilizes acoustically actuated aircraft traffic counters for its data collection in an effort to develop the most accurate operational estimates through the most practical and feasible means.

Continuous Indiana State Aviation system Planning

The Office of Aviation of the Intermodal Division promotes aeronautics in Indiana through the continuous development and implementation of a State Aviation System Plan. The system of airports documented in the Indiana State Aviation System Plan are incorporated into both local airport master plans and the Federal Aviation Administration's National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems. The Indiana State Aviation System Plan is the principal means by which the State of Indiana identifies airports to serve present and future air transportation needs of the state, and the identification of airport development projects which are consistent with state policies and priorities.

The Federal Aviation Administration and the State of Indiana have invested in a plan that is designed to allocate federal, state, and local matching funds for airport improvements. In order for the Indiana State Aviation System Plan to maintain its usefulness for determining strategic improvements, it is essential that the plan be kept current, refined for accuracy, and continuously reviewed for current and future service demands throughout Indiana.

Due to the ever changing airport system environment and physical changes in the state's airports, it is necessary that the state's system of airports and the plan data be continually monitored and revised as necessary.

State Airport Grant Administration

Indiana participates in a state matching grant program complementing the FAA's AIP program. Typically the FAA participates in 95% of the project's costs, the local sponsor 2.5% and the State 2.5%.

The process begins with the issue of the State Matching Grant documents from the Office of Aviation to the Sponsor (Airport Owner). The prerequisite for this is our receipt of a signed original FAA grant and the fact that funding is available. Payments do not begin until after the grant is executed by the Department of Administration. One copy of the fully executed grant is returned to the sponsor with basic instructions on submitting payment requests.

Early Coordination of Construction Projects

As part of the process for receiving federal funds for construction projects the Environmental Review procedure has to be followed. Typically, these are for infrastructure projects such as water towers, sewer lines or ground transportation work such as bridge replacements, highway realignments or resurfacing. INDOT - Aeronautics is part of the early coordination list. Proposed projects are submitted to this office for review.

Airport Directory and Aeronautical Chart

The Indiana Department of Transportation, Office of Aviation, has publishes and Aeronautical Chart covering the entire state. The chart is to be used for planning purposes only, not during flight. Additionally, the Office of Aviation has completed the photo mission required for the public-use airports during the "foliage-on" period. These photos will be used to develop an Airport Directory.

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