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Historic Photos

INDOT marked the end of its first 100 years in July 2019, a milestone that celebrated the awarding of the first state highway contracts by the Indiana State Highway Commission, the predecessor to the Indiana Department of Transportation.

Since 1919, Indiana’s network of interstate highways, U.S. routes and state roads has grown to include more than 29,000 total roadway lane miles and 5,700 bridges. Road construction and maintenance techniques and technology have changed dramatically over the past century.

Meridian Street Bridge 1919

Indiana Avenue in Lake County, June 1925Wabash River U.S. 421

Leveling Stone on U.S. 27 South of Portland June 1927

Spreading Rock 1927

1929 Road Building
Rock Asphalt PatchingRoad ScraperRoad Scraper 2
Road Repairing

U.S. 40 (National Road) near Greenfield in Hancock County

U.S. 31 in St. Joseph County July 26, 1930

Road Leveling

IN HWY Comm No 403

Spreading Concrete 2

Spreading AsphaltAsphalt MachineWayne County
Rolling Stone

Bridge Deck Work

Snow Removal

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