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Central Indiana Suburban Transportation and Mobility Study

CISTMS (pronounced as "systems") is a regional transportation planning study that is being conducted by INDOT in the nine-county Central Indiana area.*

The main purpose of the study is to identify key issues and problems pertaining to suburb-to-suburb mobility in the nine-county Central Indiana region and to determine how those can best be addressed from a transportation planning perspective. The study area includes Marion County but is focused on the 8 surrounding counties: Boone, Hamilton, Madison, Hancock, Shelby, Johnson, Morgan and Hendricks.

The following state route corridors are being examined in CISTMS: SR 32/38 on the north, SR 9 on the east, SR 44/144 on the south and SR 267/39 on the west. Parallel routes (such as 146th Street in Hamilton County, the proposed North-South Corridor (Ronald Reagan Parkway) in Hendricks County and the proposed East-West Corridor in Johnson County) will also be examined as appropriate. The study will evaluate a broad range of options for meeting existing and future transportation needs in the study area.

Public Input

Your input is extremely valuable to the CISTMS Planning Team. If you would like to send us comments on the study, please send them to and/or

Study Links

Final CISTMS Report


Chapter Topic

  1. Introduction
  2. Study Area Overview
  3. Scenario Development & Evaluation
  4. System Level Recommendations
  5. North Corridor Overview 3.80 Mb
  6. East Corridor Overview 3.24 Mb
  7. South Corridor Overview 5.17 Mb
  8. West Corridor Overview 9.20 Mb

Oversized Maps and Figures

Current Study Schedule

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