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STIP Comment Form

Each state is required under 49 U.S.C. 5304(g) to develop a statewide transportation improvement program (STIP) covering a period of at least four years. The STIP is a staged, multi-year, statewide intermodal program of transportation projects, consistent with the statewide transportation plan and planning processes as well as metropolitan plans, transportation improvement programs (TIPs), and planning processes. The STIP must be developed in cooperation with the metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), public transit providers, and any Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RPO) in the state, and must be compatible with the TIPs for the state's metropolitan areas.

INDOT STIP is updated monthly throughout the course of the year for project additions, advancements, deletions, and other types of modifications. These are accomplished either by a formal STIP Amendment or a Modification.

STIP Amendment - Before FHWA/FTA can approve a STIP Amendment the associated MPO's TIP must also be amended, if the project is within the geographic boundaries of the MPO. Generally, the MPO TIP may only be amended by a formal resolution of the MPO Executive Board. TIPs/STIP require formal amendments based on the following criteria:
· Adding a new project that was not included in the current STIP.
· Adding a new phase of a project not currently included in the STIP (preliminary engineering, right-of-way acquisition, construction).
· Changes where project costs have increased or decreased significantly.
· Changes in project scope.

The public is encouraged to provide feedback on INDOT's STIP document, which lists all projects expected to be funded in a four year period with Federal funds and state-funded projects that have been deemed as Regionally Significant. Please use this form to let INDOT know of any roadway transportation improvements that you believe are needed on Indiana’s interstates, U.S. highways or state highways. Your input will enable INDOT to more effectively identify projects and improvements that will enhance safety and allow for continued improvement of Indiana's transportation network. Please provide comments by completing the comment form below, by email or by writing to:
Indiana Department of Transportation
Attn: Cat Seely
100 N. Senate Ave.
IGCN N758-Transportation Planning
Indianapolis, IN 46204

The scheduled INDOT STIP amendments close and the draft amendment is then posted here for public comment.

Draft STIP Documents

Currently taking comments on:


Please click the link below and fill out the Draft STIP Documents Form to leave a comment.

Draft STIP Documents Form

These Amendment are closed for comments.  This is for archive purposes only.

STIP A24-02 (rural) - the comment period is open for 7 days (end October 25, 2023).
STIP A24-03 (rural) - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 5, 2023).
STIP A24-MPO-03 BMCMPO - DES#1900399 - 1st Street Reconstruction & Safety Improvements - TIP Amendment - 2023-08-17 Update.
STIP A24-MPO-03 KHCGCC- Res_2023-19_amend -modify 2022-2026 TIP.
STIP A24-MPO-03 MACOG- 09Amend_08Mod_MACOG.
STIP A24-MPO-03 MACOG- L07+08_FWLP_Mods.
STIP A24-MPO-03 NIRCC - AM 24-14, 15, & 16 INDOT GP 10-4-23.  
STIP A24-MPO-03 NIRCC- AM 24-23 27 30-32 34-38 INDOT Group Projects 9-12-23.
STIP A24-MPO-03 NIRCC- AM 24-26, 28, 28, 33, 39 INDOT mod 9-5-23.
STIP A24-MPO-03 NIRCC - AM 24-4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13 & 18 INDOT mod 9-26-23.
STIP A24-MPO-03 NIRCC- AM 24-42 INDOT Group Project TIP sheet 9-11-23.
STIP A24-MPO-03 NIRCC- Res 2-24 UTAB 9-5-23.
STIP A24-MPO-03 NIRCC-AM 24-43 & 44 INDOT mod 9-13-23.
STIP A24-MPO-06 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 22, 2023).
STIP A24-MPO-05 CAMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 29, 2023).
STIP A24-MPO-05 DMMPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 29, 2023).
STIP A24-MPO-05 IMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 29, 2023).
STIP A24-MPO-05 KIPDA - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 29, 2023).
STIP A24-MPO-05 NIRCC-1 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 29, 2023).
STIP A24-MPO-05 NIRCC-2 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 29, 2023).
STIP A24-FS-01 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 23, 2023).
STIP A24-MPO-08 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end December 2, 2023).
STIP A24-MPO-10 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end December 7, 2023).
STIP A24-MPO-07 BMCMPO, CAMPO, DMMPC, EMPO, IMPO, KIPDA, NIRCC, and OKI - the comment period is open for 3 days (end December 14, 2023).
STIP A24-EFLHD-01 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end December 23, 2023).
STIP A24-04 (rural) - the comment period is open for 7 days (end December 27, 2023) .
STIP A24-MPO-09 APCTC (end January 7, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-09 BMCMPO(end January 7, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-09 DMMPC (end January 7, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-09 IMPO (end January 7, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-09 KIPDA (end January 7, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-09 MACOG (end January 7, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-09 NIRCC (end January 7, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-07B MCCOG (end on Friday,  January 12, 2024).
STIP A24-04 des 1800060 (end on Tuesday, January 16, 2024).
STIP A24-05 (end January 24, 2024).
STIP A24-TTPTIP-01 - the comment period is open for 7 days (end January 30, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-11 EMPO - the comment period is open for 7 days (end February 1, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-11 KHCGCC - the comment period is open for 7 days (end February 1, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-11 MACOG - the comment period is open for 7 days (end February 1, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-11 NIRCC - the comment period is open for 7 days (end February 1, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-13  KIPDA - the comment period is open form 3 days (end February 9, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-14 MCCOG - the comment period is open form 3 days (end February 15, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-12 ATCAP - the comment period is open for 3 days (end February 29, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-12 BMCMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end February 29, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-12 CAMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end February 29, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-12 KHCGCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end February 29, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-12 KIPDA - the comment period is open for 3 days (end February 29, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-12 MACOG - the comment period is open for 3 days (end February 29, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-12 NIRCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end February 29, 2024).
STIP A24-06 (rural) - the comment period is open for 7 days (end February 29, 2024).

STIP A24-07 - the comment period is open for 7 days (end March 6, 2024).
STIP A24-08 - the comment period is open for 7 days (end March 27, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-15 ATCAPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end April 3, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-15 DMMPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end April 3, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-15 EMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end April 3, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-15 IMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end April 3, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-15 KHCGCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end April 3, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-15 KIPDA - the comment period is open for 3 days (end April 3, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-15 NIRCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end April 3, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-15 OKI - the comment period is open for 3 days (end April 3, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-17 KIPDA - the comment period is open for 3 days (end April 3, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-18- MCCOG - the comment period is open for 3 days (end April 6, 2024).
STIP A24-09 - the comment period is open for 7 days (end April 25, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-21 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end April 3, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-16-ATCAPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 2, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-16-DMMPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 2, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-16-EMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 2, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-16-IMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 2, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-16- KHCGCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 2, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-16-MACOG - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 2, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-16- MCCOG - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 2, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-16-NIRCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 2, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-16-OKI - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 2, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-22 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 12, 2024).
STIP A24-FS-02 - the comment period is open form 3 days (end May 15, 2024).
STIP A24-10 - the comment period is open for 7 days (end May 23, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-19 NIRPC TIP - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 23, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-20 EMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 25, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-20 IMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 25, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-20 KIPDA - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 25, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-20 MACOG - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 25, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-20 NIRCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 25, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-20 OKI - the comment period is open for 3 days (end May 25, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-24 NIRPC TIP Amendment 24-01 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end June 15, 2024).
STIP A24-11 - the comment period is open for 7 days (end June 26, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-23-ATCAPC T24-04 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-23-BMCMPO June 13, 2024 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-23- CAMPO Res 2024-02, 2024-04 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-23-EMPO June 5, 2024 and June 11, 2024 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-23-IMPO 24-IMPO-12 Q25 2024 24-08.2, 24-08.3 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-23-KIPDA Mod 6, Mod 12 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-23-MACOG  Amend 6 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-23- NIRCC AM 24-149 and 24-150, 24-158m - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-23-OKI Mod 11- the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-23-THAMPO Amend Mod 5 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 5, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-26 NIRPC TIP Amendment 24-00.1- the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 11, 2024).
STIP A24-13 Emergency amendment. - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 14, 2024).
STIP A24-12 - the comment period is open for 7 days (end July 24, 202).
STIP_A24-MPO-25-ATCAPC T-21-11 -the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 31, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-25-DMMPC 24-37, 24-29, 24-33  - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 31, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-25-EMPO July 11, 2024 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 31, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-25-IMPO-24-IMPO-013, 24-08.1, 24-08.4  the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 31, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-25-KHCGCC-2024-22 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 31, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-25-KIPDA-Mod 13, Mod 14    the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 31, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-25-MACOG-July 2024 Amendments -   the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 31, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-25-MCCOG-09-2024 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 31, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-25-NIRCC-July 2, 2024 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 31, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-25- NIRPC -Admin Mod 24-16 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end July 31, 2024).
STIP A24-14- the comment period is open for 7 days (end August 28, 2024).
STIP A24-MPO-28 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end August 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-27-KHCGCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end September 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-27-MACOG - the comment period is open for 3 days (end September 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-27-MCCOG - the comment period is open for 3 days (end September 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-27-NIRCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end September 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-27-NIRPC  exempt -  the comment period is open for 3 days (end September 5, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-27-NIRPC2 non-exempt- the comment period is open for 3 days (end September 5, 2024).
STIP A24-FS-03 - the comment period is open form 3 days (end September 11, 2024).
STIP A24-15 (rural) - the comment period is open for 7 days (end September 25, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-29 ATCAPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 3, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-29 EMPO- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 3, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-29 IMPO- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 3, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-29 KHCGCC- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 3, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-29 KIPDA- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 3, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-29 NIRCC- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 3, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-29 NIRPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 3, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-29 OKI- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 3, 2024).
STIP A24-16 (rural) - the comment period is open for 7 days (end October 23, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-31-NIRPC-24-02.1 - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 26, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-31-NIRPC-24-02.2- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 26, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-31-NIRPC-24-03- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 26, 2024).
STIP A24-FTA-09- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 25, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-30-DMMPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 31, 2024)
STIP_A24-MPO-30-EMPO- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 31, 2024)
.STIP_A24-MPO-30-IMPO- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 31, 2024)
.STIP_A24-MPO-30-KIPDA- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 31, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-30-NIRCC- the comment period is open for 3 days (end October 31, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-ATCAPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-BMCMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-CAMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-DMMPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-EMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-IMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-KHCGCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-KIPDA - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-MACOG - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-MCCOG - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-NIRCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-32-NIRPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end November 24, 2024).
STIP A24-18 - the comment period is open for 7 days (end December 25, 2024).
STIP A24-TTPTIP-02 - the comment period is open for 7 days (end December 23, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-33-CAMPO (end December 29, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-33-DMMPC (end December 29, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-33-EMPO (end December 29, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-33-IMPO (end December 29, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-33-KHCGCC (end December 29, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-33-MACOG (end December 29, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-33-MCCOG (end December 29, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-33-THAMPO (end December 29, 2024).
STIP_A24-MPO-33-KIPDA - the comment period is open for 3 days (end January 16, 2025).
STIP A24-17- the comment period is open for 7 days (end January 23, 2025).
STIP A24-19- the comment period is open for 7 days (end January 23, 2025).
STIP_A24-MPO-34-EMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end January 26, 2025).
STIP_A24-MPO-34-KHCGCC- the comment period is open for 3 days (end January 26, 2025).
STIP_A24-MPO-34-MACOG- the comment period is open for 3 days (end January 26, 2025).
STIP_A24-MPO-34-NIRCC- the comment period is open for 3 days (end January 26, 2025). NIRPC was pulled from A24-MPO-34 on 2/11/2025
STIP_A24-MPO-34-NIRPC- the comment period is open for 3 days (end January 26, 2025).
STIP_A24-MPO-34-OKI- the comment period is open for 3 days (end January 26, 2025).
STIP_A24-MPO-35-NIRPC- the comment period is open for 3 days (end January 29, 2025).
STIP A24-MPO-36-BMCMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end March 5, 2025).
STIP A24-MPO-36-CAMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end March 5, 2025).
STIP A24-MPO-36-EMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end March 5, 2025).
STIP A24-MPO-36-KHCGCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end March 5, 2025).
STIP A24-MPO-36-KIPDA - the comment period is open for 3 days (end March 5, 2025).
STIP A24-MPO-36-MACOG - the comment period is open for 3 days (end March 5, 2025).
STIP A24-MPO-36-MCCCG - the comment period is open for 3 days (end March 5, 2025).
STIP A24-MPO-36-NIRCC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end March 5, 2025).
STIP A24-MPO-36-NIRPC - the comment period is open for 3 days (end March 5, 2025).
STIP A24-MPO-36-OKI - the comment period is open for 3 days (end March 5, 2025).
STIP A24-MPO-36-THAMPO - the comment period is open for 3 days (end March 5, 2025).
STIP A24-20 - the comment period is open for 7 days (end March 9, 2025).

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